- We are nearing the launch of the bGeigie-drive app. The initial tests for uploading log files directly to the API are going well!
bgeigie-drive screenshot bgeigie-drive api screenshot - We are enhancing our troubleshooting of GPS problems with new comprehensive logging software created by Michael Beakes. (https://github.com/BeakeS/TeenyGPSTestbed_M5)
GPS logging
- We tested perplexity.ai (running R1-1776)with a search and the ranking of the bGeigieZen seems to be great!!
bGeigieZen AI ranking - We addde the latest pictures of the bGeigieZen NFW
The Safecast Team (Louis Bertrand) installed two realtime sensors . One bGeigieNano with bGeigieCast and one bGeigieZen around the Pickering Power Plant in Canada. See the new Grafana Map at https://tinyurl.com/2arxqq3w
Pickering Power Plant Canada
The new Safecast bGeigie-drive app (from Bjorn Lagerquist, initially available for Android and coming to iOS later, for the bGeigieZen and the bGeigieNano is preparing for beta testing. The source data is at https://github.com/Safecast/bGeigie-Drive. Here are a few screenshots:
Yesterday, we successfully delivered the 100th bGeigieZen. Up to this point, all have been built successfully!
100th zen - The first realtime sending data in Canada from bGeigieZen 65049 , located about 12 km from Pickering nuclear plant is now setup and running.
Zen 65049 at Pickering nuclear plant
- Happy New year all.
- I continue to be amazed by ChatGPT. I required a document with instructions for assembling a charging station cradle for the bGeigieZen . I provided it with two images—one showing all the components and the other displaying the different versions of the cradle. Then, I asked ChatGPT how to assemble it. It managed to get about 95% of it correct and delivered the instructions in seconds. This task would have taken me an hour to complete, as I am not a fast typist. Here are the images: The final document with instructions is at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1REG29CMtfoXsldoP2wTP1dYwTJZkWfh9mqfAxNlyC2M/edit?usp=sharing
The holiday sales at the Safecast Store are now underway and will continue until December 31, 2024. Use the coupon code BGFS01 to enjoy a 10% discount on all products. Visit bgeigiezen.safecast.jp.
The University of Cape Town has begun utilizing the bgeigieZen for their projects.
- After certain users experienced issues with correctly soldering the GPS, we revised the version 4.x.x manual to incorporate images demonstrating the use of the 6-pin JST connector for soldering the GPS connections instead of the pin header.
Firmware Update Summary: V3.2.8
- Feature Added: Real-time mapping of radiation levels.
- Measurement Frequency: Every 5 minutes.
- Display: bGeigieZen on a map.
- Radiation Levels: Displayed in Counts Per Minute (CPM).
New tests in our pursuit of greater accuracy and precision in coordinates appear to be yielding positive results. The latest GPS model, the BZGNZZ BZ-251, averages two more satellites than our previous record holder for location accuracy and precision, the Foxeer M10Q. We will improve the current fully assembled and tested bGeigieZen by adding a sleek Safecast logo.
- We added the bGeigieZen cradle kit and a prebuild cradle for the wireless charging of the bGeigieZen. Now availble in the shop(https://bgeigiezen.safecast.jp/store-2/bgeigiezen-cradle-kit/).
- We design compact 3D-printed supports for the GPS modules, allowing for a transition from pin header connections to smaller JST connectors, which simplifies the soldering process when assembling the bGeigieZen kit. It also allows not to use the pinheaders or the JST connectors.
- We revamped the website’s homepage and theme to enhance readability and improve its SEO performance. The site’s SEO is gradually getting better, and when searching for “open-source geiger counter” on Google, we currently rank fourth. We conducted extensive research and testing to boost GPS accuracy. The map below illustrates the difference between a bGeigieNano and a bGeigieZen equipped with a UBlox M10-based GPS unit.
- Here’s a special news update regarding the Safecast Map, which focuses on real-time devices that are gradually becoming operational and available for public use. While the project remains a work in progress, we want to ensure that Safecast keeps individuals who possess real-time devices, as well as concerned community members, fully informed about the latest radiation levels being detected in the area. It is our goal to provide transparent and accessible information to everyone interested in understanding their environment better. Safecast appreciate your patience and support as we work diligently to enhance the map and improve its functionality for all users. The current dashboard (work in progress) is available at https://grafana.safecast.jp/public-dashboards/5681bed5cfd3463eb7a3afd2ec6e0d35
Safecast real-time data
- Here’s a special news update regarding the Safecast Map, which focuses on real-time devices that are gradually becoming operational and available for public use. While the project remains a work in progress, we want to ensure that Safecast keeps individuals who possess real-time devices, as well as concerned community members, fully informed about the latest radiation levels being detected in the area. It is our goal to provide transparent and accessible information to everyone interested in understanding their environment better. Safecast appreciate your patience and support as we work diligently to enhance the map and improve its functionality for all users. The current dashboard (work in progress) is available at https://grafana.safecast.jp/public-dashboards/5681bed5cfd3463eb7a3afd2ec6e0d35
- Software updates for reseting the data begeigieZen (in memeory and log files) while keeping the device ID.
- bGeigieZen cradle is finshed and in the bGeigieZen shop.
- A shorter “out of the box and go” simple user manual is in the making.
New boards for V4.x.x with improve space for the 18650 and rotated.
Cradle for the bGeigieZen in progress.
Testing new Foxeer M10Q-250 (GPS).
We moved all software libraries for M5Stack Core, Core2, and CoreS3 into one library. The library is call the M5Unified library. This took time, but now we can update future versions more easily. Available in V3.2.6.
We added the M5Stack Core S3 (gray) as the main part of the bGeigieZen. It’s better for the environment because it doesn’t have a Lithium battery. It also has better touch response. The touch areas for buttons are a bit different, but they work well. The two holes are microphones. We don’t use them on the bGeigieZen yet. The latest code the M5StackCoreS3 is availble through M5Burner (search for Zen in the CoreS3 section). We added also the latest code for the bGiegieZenCore2 (standard, white and AWS, orange). Check out with M5burner and select Core2 and enter Zen in the search field.
- The first V4.x.x bGeigieZen are started to ship out.
- We have begun creating/updating the manual for V4.x.x and the build instructions for the V4.x.x and V4.x.x NFW boards.
- Additionally, 12 bGeigieZen kits have timely arrived at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, ready to be utilized in the upcoming semester for teaching and working with Safecast’s Open Source hardware and software. More news on this will follow later.
- The Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin will start using a bGeigieZen for one of their Research Project Explores the History of the Town as a Radioactive Industrial Landscape.
- Production of the V4.x.x board is starting. It is a next generation of the bGeigieZen based on the feedback of the V3.x.x users.We will make the V4.x.x available is two versions. One is the standard version with isolated battery and TP4056 charger and one called the NFW (not for wimp) version, that is designed for cleanest and style. Orders can be made at the store.
- V4.x.x kit and build version will have 3D printed covers for the LND7317 tube instead of the metal grid. Thanks to Joe Morros and Joseph Chiu who created the cover for the Radnote and donated the 3D model that we modiffied for the bGeigieZen.
- V3.2.5 updates are now available in the M5burner app.
- We added DOP (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dilution_of_precision_(navigation)) to the settings menu, so you can set up the threshold of the DOP. That way to can avoid unwanted invalid data from locations taken from satellites to be filtered out. The adjustments can be made in the configuration screen if the bGeigieZen is in Wi-Fi access available mode.
- V4.x.x. boards and are being tested and refined.
V4.x.x front side boards tested V4.x.x backside boards tested
- New Safepulses from PCBWay (V1.2.2) arrived, and they work correctly. This time we ordered them in black. From JLCPCB we received new Safepulse boards versions (V1.2.5) and those have an option (not implemented yet) to have I2C connector and a special counting chip on them. The V1.2.5 will be for a next generation of the bGeigieZen that is in very early Alpha versions on the drawing boards.
Safepulse V1.2.2 black Safepulse V1.2.5 black
- Based on the feedback from earlier builds, we updated the user manual and the building manual. Many thanks to all the persons who contributed to the feedback.
- We released new firmware V3.2.5 for the bGiegieZen. See M5burner for that latest update
V3.2.5 - Fixed display bug that would not allow more than 32 satellites at the same time to be used for navigation (yes, we are getting nearly 3 times the satellites of a bGeigieNano)
Displaying many satellites Displaying many satellites - We will be soon close the next batch order and start putting together the bGeigieZens.
- The accuracy of the GPS is getting better and better after some tweaks.
- Preparing the next batch of the bGeigieZens. Probably (not sure) this will be the last V3.x.x boards we will use. The progress on the V4.x.x board are going well, and we think they will be ready for production use soon. Lot of small changes on the boards. They will probably two versions of the V4.x.x boards.
Next batch of the bGeigieZen kits
- Preparing the next batch of the bGeigieZens. Probably (not sure) this will be the last V3.x.x boards we will use. The progress on the V4.x.x board are going well, and we think they will be ready for production use soon. Lot of small changes on the boards. They will probably two versions of the V4.x.x boards.
- Update M5burner with the newest firmware. Current users, please update. Lots of small fixes. Standing out, better display touch response speed, async added to framework etc.
GPS 24 graphics |
- 2024 May – June bGeigie ZEN Hong Kong workshop pictures :
- Photo are removed on user request. For the pictures and information, follow the about link.
- Working on getting the GPS unit updated from Breitian BN880Q to BE-880Q. The BE version uses a much newer chip, a M10 series, with much better specifications. Here in Japan, I get about 10 more satellites (more satellites gives better accuracy of position).
- Next generation V4.x.x prototypes boards with dual, 18500 batteries are in production.
V4.0.4 board dual 18500 V4.0.4 board dual 18500
- Some software updates since last week.
- Fixed mode has changed to real-time mode.
- Roaming and At-home in real-time mode works automatically. So if the unit is in real-time mode it will report every minute and if in roaming mode (moved away from the set location) it will report every 5 seconds.
- Satellite mode has now a legend and displays the satellite name.
Fixed mode and roaming Fixed mode and at-home Satellites view
We had an “emergency” order coming in for a project in Spain where the organizers wanted to use the Safecast bGeigieZen for an upcoming citizen science community project. The support for that project by safecast did put some delay in the sending out of the order. Our excuses for that. See https://ibercivis.es/en/home-english/
- Some software updates since last week.
- The manual for the building of the Zen kit gets nearly daily updated/improvements added. https://docs.google.com/document/d/12TYUaHMUvgCJ3pYCgbkrjyNs0sRlNbS_9Z76aBY7TlU/
- The first batch of orders went out today to the first clients. The rest of the orders will be proceeded in the order we received them.
First batch order going out.
- The 3D printed covers (instead of the grids) came in, they are a bit tight, but usable. Love the texture and the flat sanded surface feels good. And not smelly!!! The final version need a small (0.5 mm) adjustment, and then they are great!!!
3D printed cover for LND7317 3D printed cover for LND7317 3D printed cover for LND7317 3D printed cover for LND7317 3D printed cover for LND7317
- The manual for the bGeigieZen kit is slowly getting together.
Manual for the assembly of the Zen - The first test 3D model of the LND7317 has been finished.
3D model test production. - We found the perfect cutter for the rubber inner liner for the Zen (a 55 mm leather cutter). That cuts very clean.
Cutter for LND7317
- The manual for the bGeigieZen kit is slowly getting together.
- The first two batches of the bGeigieZen kit will include LND 7317 with grids. The later versions of the kit will have a new protection snap on instead of a glued metal grid. The idea and design are taken from a design of Joe Morross and Joseph Chiu for the Quickpluse(HVPS used in theRadNote of https://blues.io).
- Sorry for the delay in updating the news. The team has been busy with small improvements on how to build the boards better and GPS accuracy improvements. But we are slowly getting it done. The first production build of the board seems to be done. Pictures are below of the first batch of assembled bGeigieZens (shown are pictures of only a limited yellow version for the first clients ).
- The black version (black inner lining of the 1015 pelican case) are now available as the standard and the yellow version is an option.
- V4.0.2 draft, purple, first test, versions are in production at JLCPCB (draft , meaning work in progress).
- Lots of progress on the GPS software . Work is done by Michael Beakes
- .
- Screensaver is added . Thanks for the nice work on Jelle Bouwhuis. The Zen can be woken up from sleep mode even when the case is closed. The video of the test is at https://youtu.be/ej0m8MlloZ8
- V4.0.1 boards are ordered for the next batch of Zens while we’re preparing/building the first batch. V4.0.1 will be even more Zen than V3.x.x series and even easier to build.
bGeigieZen V4.0.1 board bGeigieZen V4.0.1 board bGeigieZen V4.0.1 board - The new Safepulse PCB boards made. Now the parts get ordered and made ready for assembly.
Progress of production of Safepulse board at PCBWay - For the first batch we will, it seems likely, going to use the M5StackCore2 AWS (touch screen) and that M5stack part is orange!! Maybe we should get an orange liner for the pelican case.
- Video for powering up the Zen board with the M5StackCore2 AWS is at https://youtu.be/9JoedDAYaUc
- Safepulse (high Voltage Board) new boards are in production.
- The first batch of orders (20) have been paid and are being prepared.
- Some small changes on the way to build the kits.
- The first units possibly shipped with Irovers (Medcom) instead of Safepulse due to delay in manufacturing of the Safepulses at the PCB maker.
- V3.0.3 boards are nearly finished in production and when they arrive in Nara we will start building the first Zens. And see if they are good enough to be shipped.
- Michael BeakeS is working hard on a better implementation of the GPS UBlox locking with his own created custom library that is much faster and smaller than the original Sparkfun library. Using the 500 pages documentation (https://t.ly/zVjoQ) as a guide for the details.
- Michael BeakeS found a nicer and much easier way to add the pin headers for the M5Stack Core2 to be soldered.
- bGeigieZen shop has now categories for Zen/bGeigieNano/Goods. On all pages, you can now make a donation/payment directly to Safecast.
- More news soon!!
- V3.0.2 boards are in Nara. And first Zen is build.
- Safecast lithograph available in the Goods store at https://bgeigiecast.safecast.jp/store/goods/
- V3.0.2 boards are in production at JLCPCB.
- Stickers packs are in the store now at https://bgeigiezen.safecast.jp/store-2/sticker-packs/
- GPS code bug in Ublocks fixed by Micheal BeakeS.
- Frame work now in place with supervisors/controller etc. (Jelle add inform)
- GUI development screenshots and text
- Access to GNSS satellites activated (Japan) and link
- RTC working,
- SD Card recording date correct.
- SD card no access warning.
- Journal file working
- Error messages
- Financial support by donors accepted
- PayPal setup by Pieter.